Kheliyad Chess PuzzleOnline Chess Puzzle

12 Tips To Avoid Failure In Chess Puzzles

Kheliyad Chess Puzzle 18 | 12 Tips To Avoid Failure In Chess Puzzles. This is the 18 th part of the Kheliyad Chess Puzzle we have come up with to improve our chess skills. You try to solve this chess puzzle everyday. I’m sure you can play good chess.

   Chess Puzzle No. 1   

kheliyad chess puzzle
White to move and find the best move

Interesting Pin. Can you solve?

   Chess Puzzle No. 2   

15 Tips Chess Puzzles
Black to move and find the best move

Can you solve? It’s a mating attack.

   Chess Puzzle No. 3   

15 Tips Chess Puzzles
White to move and find the best move

White to play and Black collapse. can you solve?

   Chess Puzzle No. 4   

15 Tips Chess Puzzles
Black to move and find the best move

Beautiful move for Black side. can you solve?

12 Tips To Avoid Failure In Chess Puzzles

  1. Pushing the pedestrian forward for no reason

  2. Avoid foolish mistakes

  3. Not thinking about what options the opponent has to play the move after the move you have made

  4. Not considering the opponent’s next move when planning an attack

  5. Not considering the moves of the competitor when planning on the plate

  6. Not casting thoughtfully in the game up to the middle game

  7. Pushing the pawns forward for no reason

  8. Playing too reactively

  9. Playing with the feeling of punishing the opponent

  10. The desire to win as many pieces as possible

  11. Loss of control in the center of the board

  12. Bishop, Knight not to develop as soon as possible
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