Kheliyad Chess PuzzleOnline Chess Puzzle

kheliyad chess puzzle 29

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kheliyad chess puzzle 29 | Chess players, here is another chess puzzle for you. I’m sure you can solve this. However, it will require a little strain on the head. If you want to progress in chess, always solve the  “kheliyad chess puzzle.”

For that click on our website bell icon and get free chess puzzle up to date … Be sure to enter your answer in the comment box. #Stay home stay safe…|

Kheliyad chess puzzle 109

kheliyad chess puzzle 29

White to move : Some are very simple puzzles, but one small mistake can change the whole game. There is a simple move in this puzzle. White then pockets the entire game. Can you find out?

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kheliyad chess puzzle 29

White to move : Do you know the move on skewer? If you don’t know, solve this puzzle. You know what a skewer move is.

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White to move

White to move : Here is Again skewer puzzle. Find a best move.

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kheliyad chess puzzle 29
White to move

White to move : solve puzzle and improve your chess skill. Find a best move. 

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