Kheliyad Chess Puzzle

kheliyad chess puzzle 27

kheliyad chess puzzle 27

kheliyad chess puzzle 26 | This is the 26 th part of the kheliyad chess puzzle we have come up with to improve our chess skills. You try to solve this chess puzzle everyday. I’m sure you can play good chess.

Mahesh Pathade
Sports Journalist, Chess Player

kheliyad chess puzzle 27 | Solving daily chess puzzles promotes the game. Kheliyad has brought this special facility for you. Write the answer to the chess puzzle in the comment box …

kheliyad chess puzzle No. 1

White to move

kheliyad chess puzzle 27
white to move

kheliyad chess puzzle 27 | Interesting puzzle…! can you solve this puzzle?

kheliyad chess puzzle No. 2

White to move

kheliyad chess puzzle 27
white to move

Again in an interesting puzzle. can you solve?

kheliyad chess puzzle No. 3

White to move

khe;liyad chess puzzle 103
white to move

Direct mating attack in this puzzle. White have better chance. Do you see this crucial move?

kheliyad chess puzzle No. 4

White to move

kheliyad chess puzzle 27

Beautiful move … This single move of white is enough to destroy the whole game. Do you see this move?

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