Kheliyad Chess PuzzleOnline Chess Puzzle

How to solve Kheliyad Chess Puzzle 23

Kheliyad Chess PuzzleThis is the 23 rd part of the Kheliyad Chess Puzzle we have come up with to improve our chess skills. You try to solve this chess puzzle everyday. I’m sure you can play good chess.

Many people do not know how to make a good move while playing chess. Often the winning innings is lost. Practice is very important for how to make a good move. Our team has given you some examples. In this you have to find the best move. Grandmasters study similar examples to find the best moves. Chess training institutes have sprung up all over the world. In these training institutes, guidance on how to play the best moves, how to checkmate, is given at the beginning. These examples are considered more important for strengthening the middle game. The end game and the middle game are the most important stages in chess. The opening is considered to be the last stage. Let’s solve the game chess puzzle … if you come up with the best move, be sure to post it in the comment box. We look forward to hearing from you.


   Kheliyad Puzzle No. 1   

chess puzzle
  White to move   and find the best move

Removing the guard. Can you solve?

In this example, the black faces have three more feet. You can see the black pawns in F’s house, which is only three houses behind to become Wazir. In comparison, white supremacists do not have much opportunity. They just have to be more discriminating with the help they render toward other people. This is the only good move that will bring down the entire innings of the black pieces. This example teaches us how important a good move is. See if you can figure out the best move.

   Chess Puzzle No. 2   

chess puzzle
  White to move and find the best move

Can you solve? It’s beautiful Knight fork.

   Chess Puzzle No. 3   

chess puzzle
  White to move   and find the best move

White to play and Black collapse. can you solve?

   Chess Puzzle No. 4   

chess puzzle
  White to move   and find the best move

Beautiful move for White side. can you solve?

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